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Embassy Onwards

Philippine Embassy conducts OAV Registration in Fukushima

Ms. Thelma M. Divino (right) captures the biometrics of an OAV registrant.

The Philippine Embassy in Tokyo successfully conducted its third mobile Overseas Absentee Voters (OAV) Registration on 23rd of June, 2012. The mobile registration was held at the Multipurpose Hall of Corasse Fukushima during the First Gathering of Foreigners in Sendai Diocese “Let us move forward together….” in Fukushima.
The event organizers requested the Embassy to send the OAV team to facilitate the registration of Filipinos in the tsunami-stricken areas, specifically, Sendai and Fukushima.
Second Secretary & Consul Christian L. De Jesus and Ms. Thelma M. Divino processed a total of 39 OAV registrations/certifications and other OAV-related services during the half-day OAV outreach. The OAV mobile registration was conducted with the support of the Catholic Tokyo International Center (CTIC) and the Catholic Diocese of Sendai.