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Influence of Illegal Entry


What should I do if I used another name in entering Japan 11 years ago and now that I want to visit Japan again, I want to use my real name? If I get my finger print scanned while entering, will the name I used before will show up? I was only 13 years old when my aunt made the documents to easily get me to Tokyo because I was alone that time in the Philippines.

                                                                                                               – Khrisalyn


If you could lawfully leave Japan after you entered into a country 11 years ago using the fictitious name passport, you may be able to enter a country and reside in Japan satisfactorily. On the other hand, if having used the fictitious name passport will be revealed and deported back to your country by force, it will be difficult to enter a country and reside based on the “Fingerprint Identification System.”

Office name: Miyoshi International Legal Counsel Office

Telephone/Fax (Japanese/English): 090-1436-4107(Mobile phone)

E-mail: or (Japanese/English) OR


Nearest station: Keio Nagayama by Keio line or Odakyu Nagayama by Odakyu line in Tama-city, Tokyo

Working hour/day: 09:00-18:00/Monday-Saturday (except holidays)