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Taking care of your lips

Tired of battling against dry, chapped lips that look and feel unhealthy? You’re not alone. Made up of some of the thinnest skin on your body and without oil glands to keep them moisturized, lips require particularly special attention. They’re more susceptible to water loss, dehydration and injury, with increased sensitivity to deeper absorption of skin care products that can be irritating. Despite these facts, lips can often be neglected in comparison to the care we give to the rest of our skin. Factors related to both our own behavior and external sources can adversely affect the health of our lips, including;

History of eczema and/or sun damage

  • Improper usage of skin care treatments
  • Climate, humidity, sun exposure and seasonal changes
  • Excessive licking or biting of the lips
  • Trauma/injury
  • Smoking
  • Check ingredients of moisturizers
  • If your lips are dry, itchy, or red, look for moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, beeswax, natural oils or petroleum, which I regard as the gold standard for moisturizing both the skin and lips. Multiple applications throughout the day are recommended for severely dry lips.

Guard against aging and sun’s effects

Just like the rest of your skin, the lips need protection from sunburn and premature aging. In fact, they can be prone to precancerous changes and skin cancers. Avoiding the sun when you can, in addition to using sunblock everyday, rain or shine.

To minimize lines and wrinkles around the lips and mouth, make sure to hydrate year-round with a moisturizer such as baby oil. This is especially important right after a shower to effectively lock in moisture. You’ll also want to gently exfoliate with a toothbrush or washcloth a couple of times a week. Avoid smoking and pursuing of the lips, as both can cause wrinkles around the mouth. I addition, don’t lick your lips frequently – constant wetting and drying can cause them to become chapped.

While lips are prone to dryness and can require special treatment, sticking to the basic of proper skin care and adapting them to the particular needs of your lips will keep them looking and feeling good. Remember to treat your lips like you would the rest of your skin and it will treat your right.