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6 Kitchen Time Savers for Busy Parents

  1. Plan ahead, make a grocery list, and stick to it. This will keep you from standing in front of the fridge or pantry at 5:30 or 6 pm in a panic about what to serve for dinner.
  2. Keep a grocery list updated. When you use up an ingredient that you consider a staple, write it on your grocery list right away so you’ll be fully stocked after your next grocery trip, and won’t have to squeeze in any emergency trips to the store.
  3. Make sure you have good quality knives and keep them sharpened. A good pair of kitchen scissors can also make easier work of cutting herbs, scallions, and other foods.
  4. Keep a well-stocked freezer. Stock it with some veggies, prepared side dishes, even a healthy frozen meal for those days that don’t go as planned.
  5. Don’t be afraid to use convenience items or “short cuts” if time is a higher priority for you than money. If buying pre-chopped vegetables or minced garlic helps you to get that pot of soup on the table rather than ordering that less-than-healthy soup from the take out place down the street, then go for it.
  6. Double your recipes. If you cook twice what you need for one meal, you can freeze half of the meal and warm it up on another night.