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New Year’s Resolutions: How to Make it Happen

The 10 most common resolutions that people make every New Year is as follows:

  1. Lose weight
  2. Get better organized
  3. Spend less money; save more
  4. Enjoy life to the fullest
  5. Staying fit and healthy
  6. Learn something exciting
  7. Quit smoking
  8. Help others in obtaining their dreams
  9. Fall in love
  10. Spend more time with family

If you would notice most of the resolutions are hard to attain and some cannot be measured. So here are some tips to make your New Year’s resolutions a little bit more attainable.

  1. Do Make Resolutions For Yourself-
    Experts suggest we pick one or two areas of the most importance to us, (i.e. lose weight, stop smoking, controlling anger, etc.) Then set reasonable targets for ourselves within these areas.
  2. Don’t Set Goals With Factors Beyond Our Personal Control
    We can’t depend on success when a large part of making the goal depends on the actions or decisions of others. In order to reach set resolutions, we must be fully able to bring them about on our own.
  3. Plan “Checkpoints” For Progress Along The Way
    If we have trouble reaching our goals, perhaps we need to look in on how we are doing along the way. Set up time intervals of about 3 month periods. Then review how well you are doing with each 90 days and chart the results. IMPORTANT: If you “fall back” at some juncture along the way, make note of it, and move onward!
  4. Use The “Buddy” System
    It can be a cold, hard place if we take it upon ourselves to achieve resolutions on our own. Take time to ask for the help and support of friends and family. Maybe choose someone with a similar goal for themselves.

Hopefully some of this information will be helpful in reaching those illusive resolutions we have been missing out on every year.  Happy New Year!